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Africa Church Planting Field Story

Reclaiming the Kingdom

We have seen glimmers of hope where bands of believers are gathering and reclaiming the kingdom of heaven.

After being in West Africa for 8 months we have been immersed in examining the dark kingdom that is in place. We have seen the “established church” often going through the motions and wondering how far from Islam they have truly come? We have also seen glimmers of hope where bands of believers are gathering and reclaiming the kingdom of heaven.

In a village on the outskirts of the capital we attended one of these gatherings. After getting lost, we pulled up late to a thatched-covered, one-walled building. Immediately, we heard joy pouring forth from a group gathered to worship the true King. There was no security, no fear, no holding back in their meeting. They ushered us to the front of the group and gave us the best seats in the house.

The small band of people welcomed all people. Anyone could share during their meeting. A young man led the meeting, with the pastor mentoring him by his side. As he stuttered through the scriptures the group eagerly listened. The pastor carefully guided him so he would not miss a word or pronunciation while reading the Word of the Lord. As I looked around I saw their well-worn copies of the Bible.

Since we were late they decided to repeat all their special numbers. They practically started the service over again! No rush, such was the importance of being together. At their request, we brought the kids up front and sang two songs as a family. Not an ounce of nerves bothered us as we sang in front of those smiling faces. The room was full of worship from the heart! Even though it turned out to be a 3-hour service we left feeling refreshed.

As I sat there I wondered what the early church was like…Was it similar to this band of people who gathered to study the Word together? Did young leaders stutter through the reading of God’s Word? Was the early church gracious, loving, open, and passionate to reclaim the Kingdom of God? This experience gave me a renewed perspective to the Words of Jesus, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)

As we build relationships with Muslim university students, we pray their eyes will open to the deceptions of the dark kingdom. Here in the darkness of the capital we are encouraged to see bands of believes on the outskirts of the city; believers who have a renewed passion to advance the true kingdom in this city. We continue to pray for the Lord to reveal the people within the city who desperately want to know the true King. In the words of DL Moody, “If we reach the cities, we reach the cesspools of the nation.”

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