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Church Planting in Senegal

Africa Church Planting Long Term Mid Term Senegal

Senegal is Africa’s most westerly state. With a population of over 15 million people, and only 0.15% professing faith in Jesus, the need for workers in this country is great. 91% of Senegal’s population claims Islam as their religion.

Our church planting team uses creative strategies to plant a church in this unreached country. Two of those strategies include teaching English lessons and a CuriosiTEA garden. These methods provide many open doors to build relationships, share the gospel, and model a life devoted to Christ.

Join Us
We are looking for people with various gifts, skills, and experience to join this team of young families in planting a church in Senegal.
Some specific skills could include those who love teaching  ESL/TESOL or have a passion for using business for transformation by working at the tea garden.

Would you like to participate in reaching the next generation of Senegalese leaders with the gospel?

Contact us today!

*Statistics taken from

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