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Asia Business Church Planting Field Story

Growth Through Obedience

"Since the students are learning various trades and skills, yet also actively studying and practicing ministerial outreach—they stand out! That's just not normal "religion" in this part of the world."

     God continues to grow His church worldwide! A new fellowship has been launched in Western Asia and the growth has been incredible to witness. There have been several baptisms already, and the participants have quickly outgrown their meeting space! Recently, the bi-vocational training center students have embraced another "practice ground" for practical ministry training—an organized outreach to help the growing community of those from another Western Asia country that are living here.
     Every Saturday, for months now, the bi-vocational trainees and staff travel into the city, prayerfully and purposefully, to reach out to others from this Western Asia country, many of whom are new to the area, having just recently moved here from a neighboring country. These brothers, alongside some sisters, spend several hours each Saturday afternoon sharing the Good News, passing out free copies of the New Testament in their local language, as well as other faith-building resources, and praying spontaneously for needs that people share.
     Over and over, they have acted upon opportunities to pray with individuals right then and there on the sidewalks of busy avenues. And God is answering in miraculous, abundant, unmistakable ways. With the start of the new fellowship in the city comes a renewed desire and a unique window of opportunity to get the word out about its meetings! The students and staff are warmly welcoming those from this country to attend the local gatherings where they can hear the Good News and worship together.
     Most of the trainees live on-site at the center and work at the farm throughout the weekdays. They are not merely sitting at desks poring over books. They commit to a formative year of diversified bi-vocational training, and part of the curricula "cuts into" what most would consider their hard-earned days off. But these trainees are truly learning to be bi-vocational church planters. Not only have Saturdays become wonderful opportunities for bi-vocational trainees to observe and practice intentional, Spirit-sensitive interaction, but all the things that happen during and through the outreach times have been being used of God to bless the students personally. As He builds His Church here, God is concurrently building the trainees' faith.
     The bi-vocational approach to church planting is pivotal in this region, since so many from this Western Asia country make their living off of "ministry"—speaking many words and passing out literature but taking advantage of or exploiting their countrymen. Since the students are learning various trades and skills, practicing working with their hands, and contributing proactively in their surrounding communities—yet also actively studying and practicing ministerial outreach—they stand out! That's just not normal "religion" in this part of the world.
     A couple Saturdays ago, an older Western Asian man asked one of our students and staff members whether this is how they make their living—spending hours passing out religious material like this, for money. By God's grace, one of the students from the farm had the presence of mind to answer kindly and wisely: "No, sir!  Five days a week, we work hard with our hands under the sun. Now it is our weekend, and now we want to spend some of our free time sharing this Good News!" The elderly man hugged him and joyously exclaimed, "Ah, now I know that you are not like the [religious leaders] in my country!" Hand clutching his heart, he solemnly and humbly allowed the men to pray with and over him.  

  • Please pray for this incredible opportunity to reach and disciple those from other Western Asia, on Saturdays and any day of the week!
  • Pray for even more staggering statistics in the spiritual realm—that countless souls would believe, and that they would in turn take the Good News to countless more.


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