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Church Planting in South Asia

Asia Business Church Planting Long Term
There are so few evangelical Christians in Southern Asia that the actual percentage is unknown. This region has strict entry conditions that pose significant challenges to ministry. A Church Planting team is being developed to reach these people with the gospel. This team needs 6-10 members with a variety of gifts and experience.
Missionary access to South Asia can have challenges. It is possible that this team may follow Avant's Business for Transformation strategy.

Business for Transformation (B4T)
Avant firmly believes the truth of the gospel is meant for all people, regardless of whatever government they are under. Often the places that are not open to traditional missionary methods need sustainable businesses to provide employment opportunities and economic growth for the community.

Using business in tandem with ministry is not a new idea, nor is this Avant’s first foray into using business strategy on the mission field. Over the course of history, many Avant missionaries have used business and commerce as an effective way to reach their communities with the gospel. However, we feel this is the time for Avant to actively recruit, train and send dedicated Business for Transformation (B4T) teams.

As part of Avant’s Business for Transformation, you can combine your professional skills with your passion for the gospel by launching a small business in the developing world, while also engaging in church planting ministry. As you employ nationals and build relationships, you’ll share the gospel and disciple new believers to establish a national-led, reproducing church in a place where none currently exist. Whether you are teaching at an English center or starting a new IT business, you will be bringing both the transformational power of the gospel and a legitimate means of economic opportunity to a community in need.

Avant is looking for men and women with entrepreneurial minds, pioneering spirits and godly hearts to join a B4T team.

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