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Africa Field Story

Glimpses of Hope

"The hope of the gospel meets us right where we are. God uses people, situations, and tangible things as vessels to show us His love and remind us of the hope we have in Him."

As we see the tumult around the world it is a reminder that this world is not our home. We are reminded and grateful for the hope that comes through the gospel. In these times, people desperately need to hear the message of hope in Christ Jesus! Am I a ‘witness’ that will warn the lost and share the Good News of the gospel?  

We are grateful for the hope of Jesus Christ being shared amongst South Sudanese refugees in Uganda.

The church planting trainings bring hope. Participants are having ‘aha’ moments. One young student recognized that work is not a ‘punishment’ and that ‘laziness’ has a negative impact. So, he proceeded to work alongside some brick makers and earn some money. Then he surprised his parents by coming home with schoolbooks, pens, and other needed items he had purchased from his hard-earned money!
Hope comes through the distribution of Audio Bibles. James, a man who is blind, escaped from South Sudan with many children. Some of the children lost their parents in the recent conflict.  Most of them are traumatized. Serving South Sudan is bringing some trauma care and counselling, food, and an Audio Bible for encouragement and discipleship. This is a glimpse of hope!
Agricultural projects have brought hope and helped empower many families with food to sustain themselves.

Hope was restored to a widow who was empowered by Serving South Sudan, after attempting to commit suicide.  Other vulnerable helped by Serving South Sudan are also sharing testimony of God’s hand upon them.

Orphan Education brings Hope!
Queen is a 16-year-old orphan in Uganda. Her father was an alcoholic, and when Queen was just 4 years old, he was poisoned and died.  For the next 10 years her mother raised her and her little sister Sijali. One day her mom left for work as usual and never returned.  It was suspected that she was killed.  Both children ended up on the street trying to survive. Sometime later Queen’s little sister died too.  This left Queen so traumatized that she tried to commit suicide.  But God did not allow the suicide attempt to succeed!  Instead, He sent a ‘Good Samaritan’ to help and provided Queen with the opportunity to finish her elementary schooling.  As things became financially difficult, Queen has now been recommended to Serving South Sudan, and her education is being supported by partners like you!

The hope of the gospel meets us right where we are. God uses people, situations, and tangible things as vessels to show us His love and remind us of the hope we have in Him.

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