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Central Asia: Waterwheels

Project #71839
Asia Central Asia Church Planting

Avant seeks to reach people in a small Central Asian country through an avenue which will help people's livelihood – crops. Surrounded by mountainous terrain, many farmers and landowners lack sufficient water for crops and drinking. When an Avant team installed a new style of waterwheel in the area, the people were elated to see this simple machine lift water up 30 meters from a canal. Now, 17 waterwheels have been installed and our team knows that many more would benefit from a waterwheel.

To expand the project, they plan to employ a local believer, experienced in welding, to build waterwheels for different communities. As more waterwheels are built across the country, we expect that good drinking water and water for irrigation will be more readily available, improving the health and economy of this impoverished land.

As waterwheels are installed and doors open for interaction with people, our team will have opportunities to reach villages with a different kind of water - the living water of Jesus Christ. Your support makes these waterwheels possible. As Jesus is glorified through this project, we believe it is only natural that the rivers of living water will flow.

Total cost for building and installation of one waterwheel is $12,000

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