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Field Story USA - Alaska

Where You Lead, I Will Follow

Honestly, at that moment, I felt like I failed. I prayed and asked God to help me see His will, and as the days passed, He revealed to me that I needed to trust Him and rely on his strength fully.

“My plans worked out exactly how I knew they would," is what I thought I would say after my time down south. Rather, it's "My plans worked out exactly how God knew they would, and that's even better." That phrase can pretty much sum up my recent travel experience. After my training at Avant, I had ideas and plans of traveling around the lower 48 to raise support, but as the days went by, my plans fell apart. It was out of my control, and I wasn't sure how I would reach my support-raising goals for the month. Honestly, at that moment, I felt like I failed. I prayed and asked God to help me see His will, and as the days passed, He revealed to me that I needed to trust Him and rely on his strength fully.

Even as my plans to meet with people down south fell through, God provided! Prayers for local supporters were being answered, and I’m getting closer to my goal! Although I planned to be busy traveling around the lower 48, God provided a time of rest and refocus before camp season starts (in less than two months!). The Lord made it clear that I didn't fail. I needed to be patient and trust His plan and His provision. To truly rest means to let go of control, give the reigns to God, and follow His lead. I was reminded of Matthew 11:29-30 which says, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

In a season of support raising, it can be easy to fixate on the goal, on the dollar amount, or the progress we hope to make. I am grateful to the Lord for these recent reminders from scripture that help me know, without a doubt, that He cares for me. He cares and sees the details but also cares for the bigger picture better than I ever could. It is exciting to see how the Lord is providing for my support, but it is also a unique and neat season to see the Lord teach me new ways of trusting in Him.

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