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Echo Ranch Haines

Project #74561
Camp North America USA - Alaska

35 miles north of Echo Ranch Bible Camp's main camp in Juneau sits its second camp location, just south of the community of Haines, Alaska. This site, formerly called Rainbow Glacier Camp, operated for decades as a summer camp; now known as Echo Ranch Haines, this site follows Echo Ranch's mission to “echo God’s glory” to the people of Haines and beyond through retreats, summer day camps, outreach events, and more. Echo Ranch is in the process of upgrading the infrastructure of its Haines location to be better equipped to host large groups for decades to come.

In 2022, thanks to gifts from donors, the exterior structure was built for a completely new kitchen attached to the existing dining hall! The new kitchen will be finished and operational in 2023 and will be much more spacious, efficient, and comfortable, enabling us to host more cooks and feed more guests at Echo Ranch Haines.

The next renovation project to begin in 2023 is the construction of new bathhouse facilities. The finished bathhouses will be closer to the cabins, more comfortable to use, and easier to clean, making overnight stays at Echo Ranch Haines overall more pleasant and inviting to guests.

Will you be a part of the vision for the growing future of Echo Ranch Haines by contributing to the costs of these renovations?