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Echo Ranch Scholarships

Project #71983
Camp North America USA - Alaska

Each summer, more than 900 kids from all over southeast Alaska come to summer camp at Echo Ranch Bible Camp in Juneau. For many families, though, a week of summer camp is an expense that doesn't fit into their budget. For others, just getting to camp is the difficult part; southeast Alaska is an archipelago, and with no way to drive into Juneau, kids from other communities like Sitka, Gustavus, and Petersburg need to pay for a round-trip ferry or plane ticket in order to come to camp. That's why Echo Ranch's camper scholarship fund exists - to offer financial assistance to kids who want to come to camp but need help covering the cost of admission or travel. On average, ERBC extends $20,000 each year in camper scholarships, all funded by generous donors.

Echo Ranch's goal is to make sure that any child in southeast Alaska who wants to come to camp, can. Will you donate to help give these kids the chance to come to camp and have the best week of the summer?