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Europe Field Story

Touched by the Kindness of Strangers

“God used these various experiences to move me from the inevitability of hell to become a child of God.”

Barcelona, Spain: Manuel grew up in a nominally religious family that never held to any key traditions, though his parents did send him to a Catholic school. However, after finishing school, he embraced atheism. In 2005, an old friend suggested that Manuel meet one of his friends who was a born-again Christian. Although Manuel was skeptical, he was intrigued by everything that the Christian shared; so, he began to attend his church. However, Manuel struggled with bitterness when listening to sermons or reading the Scriptures, because he knew that he was a sinner, and his place was in hell. After some months, his old friend invited him to California for a holiday together. Unfortunately, during the flight there, they had a serious argument and his “friend” decided that once they landed, they should go separate ways.

California: At the airport, he approached a local man about how to exchange foreign currency and the man noticed that Manuel seemed upset, so asked if he was OK. Manuel then told him what had happened on the plane. This stranger kindly offered him a place to stay. As soon as Manuel entered the guest room, he noticed various Bibles, evangelical books, and a photo of him on a mission trip in Mexico.

In Mexico: After his vacation in California, while spending his final night in Tijuana, Manuel accepted God’s forgiveness and prayed for guidance. At that precise moment, another stranger gave him a leaflet that included the steps to take to believe! In Manuel’s own words, “God used these various experiences to move me from the inevitability of hell to become a child of God.”

Upon his return to Spain, Manuel found a church near where he lived in Barcelona and was baptized. He was discipled and pursued Biblical studies in Seminary. Later was sent out as a short-term missionary by his local church to England.

England: Manuel continued his theological studies there while working in ministry. He loves teaching, apologetics and engaging in debates which is evidently popular there even among the unsaved. It was there he met his lovely and talented wife, Pauline. She is a civil servant in the arts and cultural sector with a background in fundraising, also an excellent communicator. Baby Abigail arrived last November which of course, has changed their lives completely!

Next stop: Their plan is to return to Barcelona, Spain hopefully by the end of 2021, where Manuel is looking to be in full-time ministry. Pauline hopes to serve in a tentmaker capacity alongside Manuel in ministry. Manuel is very burdened for his parents and siblings back in Spain to come to a saving knowledge of Christ. He was happy to find out his mother was listening to his sermons online during the Covid-19 quarantine.

In Manuel’s story, you can observe God’s pursuit of him over the years, no matter where he was living or visiting. God is always working! 

Please pray for his family’s salvation, as well as Manuel and Pauline as they seek God’s guidance for their next steps regarding when, where and how they will serve most effectively in Spain.

In Manuel’s story, you can observe God’s pursuit of him over the years, no matter where he was living or visiting. Also, since we are not sure where folks are in their spiritual journey, we are inspired to take opportunities around us to share Jesus’ love as we recall His words in Matthew 25:35, 40. “I was hungry, and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…Truly I say unto you, as you did it to one of the least of my brethren, you did it to Me.”

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