Greece: Malakasa Refugee Ministry
The need is great. The EU provides for some of the refugees’ most basic needs, but they often lack sufficient clothes and food. Fleeing danger, persecution, or perhaps war, these men, women, and children are living very difficult lives. Likely cheated and abused along the way, they come to Greece with trauma from their past, fears about the future, and hope that maybe their lives could improve. In this space, the love of Christ shines brightly.
One of the largest refugee camps is 30 minutes outside of Athens in the town of Malakasa. Our workers in Greece, along with various other Christian organizations, have started a refugee ministry near this camp. There is a small parking lot they’ve been using for various outreaches; however, their work is restricted during the cold winter months and the hot summers when meeting there isn’t feasible.
Avant has started a project to help rent a building near the camp that our workers and other partnering Christian organizations will use as an outreach center. The rent and utilities will cost $1,500 a month. This cost will be shared by five organizations, including Avant, who will each contribute $300 a month. The funds for this project will also help with facility renovations and the purchase of a van to transport refugees from another camp nearby to the refugee center in Malakasa.
Having an indoor space that is heated and cooled and has restrooms will be a huge benefit to the workers and refugees. The facility will allow for storage and distribution of literature, food, and clothing. It will also be used for counseling, Bible studies, language classes, a tea house, and other activities.
Thousands of refugees have come to know Jesus through refugee centers in Greece like this one. Our workers want to continue the ministry that was left when the centers in Athens shut down. Generally, they’ve found the refugees open to the gospel and eager to relate and receive care. When believers love them in their time of need, Christ’s love is on display, and He is at work transforming hearts and lives.