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Field Story Latin America

The Word of God is Living and Active

"Only the work of the Holy Spirit can bring about true understanding of who Jesus is, how we can receive the promised eternal life through Him, and how to apply that truth in our daily lives."

The word of the Lord is living and active, we are grateful for this truth! Our local pastor’s wife, Jinneth, and I are co-leading a women’s Bible studies. More women have joined at the start of each new cycle, which we are grateful for! I personally have 3 new ladies in my small group this round! The consistency and growth in our women is also inspiring the men to desire similar opportunities for study and companionship.

Just like many of you we are in a season of restarting some of our in-person ministries as we navigate days where more face-to-face ministry is allowed. We are grateful for how the Lord has grown and sustained our ministries during the pandemic and now we are dreaming and developing some specific men’s ministry events with the men of our local church and continuing our times of studying with the women.

One of the joys I have had is to study the word with Ana. We are praying that the Lord will continue to work in her life! The following is a snippet from our time of studying together.

“No, Anna, I still don’t understand,” she said mournfully. “What does application mean in the Bible study?” As I write, my friend (also Ana, ha!) and I have completed the first of four weeks of study on the books of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John. She is hungry to learn about the Bible and has been studying the Bible on and off for years, but she is still spiritually blind to the truth of the gospel.

She can summarize what we have read together but struggles to connect the Bible to her daily life. Only the work of the Holy Spirit can bring about true understanding of who Jesus is, how we can receive the promised eternal life (1 John 2:25) through Him, and how to apply that truth in our daily lives. What a privilege to be the hands and feet of Jesus in my friend’s life as I attempt to help her see that God’s word is not just for knowledge, but is living and active, and has the power to change our lives(Hebrews 4:12).

  • Will you pray for the Holy Spirit to work in Ana’s life, so that she comes to a true understanding and acceptance of the gospel?
  • Pray that the men in our church will also grow in their love and knowledge of the word as they study together.

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