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Europe Field Story

Open Hearts in the Open Air

" Domenico was especially proud of his New Testament and said out loud, “I am going to read this cover to cover!"

After spending a day resting from the two-day long trip, I sat on the front porch to assemble the calendars for distribution. A curious and friendly lady said hello asked, “Sir, what is it that you sell?” ‘It’s a precious gift and here's one for you!’ I leafed through the 365 tear off sheets, showing the daily Bible verses and the meditations. She gladly took it, and I asked her name. She said, “Maria Caterina.” I then gave her a New Testament and said, “Caterina was my mother’s name, and I had a sister named Maria. I have a limited number of these, that I give to special people like you. Thank you for stopping and making me feel welcome!” Please pray that God’s Word will impact her heart for eternity.

We wondered if, on account of the COVID-19 restrictions, I would be able to hold the usual open-air meetings. For the last three years I have had the joy of sharing the Gospel with 15-18 men in the small square in one of the six target areas. The Lord has created a special bond of affection among us. When I arrived in the town where I stay, my heart leapt for joy when I saw all the men sitting on the benches. I stopped the car and several of them came to greet me. We spent six special late afternoons together as I preached the Word with the aid of my brushes and the sketch board. As always, the men were very attentive and often asked questions or commented on the message of the day.

At the end of each meeting, I gave them a calendar and various evangelistic booklets. For the last meeting, the Lord led me to share my personal testimony. The men listened so attentively and when I was done, I gave each a copy of the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. I sat on the marble steps of the small monument and called them by name as I wrote a brief dedication on the inside cover. Domenico was especially proud of his New Testament and said out loud, “I am going to read this cover to cover!" Please pray for the men the Lord has given us. Pray that they would come to Christ and be the nucleus of a new local church in their area.

God is at work and we are grateful for all He is doing! The three weeks in Calabria were full and blessed greatly by the Lord. Six hundred families and individuals in six towns received a calendar, a gospel tract, and an attractive booklet. Many, especially young people, and children received a New Testament. Please pray that God will do a mighty work in many hearts in this region.

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