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Global Recruitment

God's Glory: Motivation for Missions

“At Avant we are concerned about our motivation for Missions. If our mobilization efforts center mainly on the physical and spiritual needs around the world and people dying without Christ, then we fall short of a deeper, majestic reality concerning the holiness and glory of God.”

“Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!”  “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Here I am!  Send me…     

Every year the Avant Executive Leadership Team establishes a theme for the year to encourage, motivate and sharpen the ministry focus of our home staff and field workers.  In past years the theme has been the Church, or Evangelism, or Mobilization.  This year we want to focus on God’s Glory. “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!” I Chronicles 16:24

At Avant we are concerned about our motivation for Missions. If our mobilization efforts center mainly on the physical and spiritual needs around the world and people dying without Christ, then we fall short of a deeper, majestic reality concerning the holiness and glory of God.  God’s glory is the ultimate purpose for which man was created.  Surely, preaching the good news to the lost is a piece of missions, but God desires to be glorified through the worldwide worship of Himself.  Genuine cross-cultural ministry starts with seeing God’s glory and holiness, responding in humility and submission, prayer for the harvest and a willingness to be “beautiful feet” … whether through praying, giving or going.  

From the beginning, God created man in His image so that he might show forth God’s glory.  God commanded mankind to be fruitful and fill the earth so that God’s glory would be revealed.  Tragically, ever since man’s fall into sin, people have chosen to passively ignore or actively refuse God’s  divine purpose. But all of God’s marvelous works are meant to see His purpose accomplished!  And that is why missions exists – to declare his glory among every nation, that all mankind might turn from sin and live for the glory of God! This cry for the global worship and praise of God through every tribe, tongue and nation is what ought to be motivating us to send forth laborers into the harvest. 

How can you be involved?  If God is not calling you to go, perhaps He wants you to be a prayer or a sender.  One of the key ways senders support missionaries is through financial support, but they can also serve as disciplers and mentors.  Mentoring from older, more mature Christians to young adults is critical – individuals will rarely make the decision to be a missionary without the committed and consistent input of a few trusted and close mentors. A strong church community is key. Churches must lead in communicating to young people that there is a place for them in cross-cultural ministry according to what they are good at, have a passion for, and are trained in.

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