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Europe Field Story

"Give Me A Positive Haircut"

“If our days are only based upon the things, we go through in this life then we won’t ever come to a place of joy because this world is just messed up. This is why we need Jesus, because without Him we can’t have true joy in this world.”

Recently I was out cleaning my car on our day off and I had a short conversation with our landlord *Julija. She seemed down at first. During the conversation I shared with her the exciting news that Malea was pregnant with our 2nd child! Her countenance suddenly changed, and she was so happy and excited.

She shared that her day wasn’t going well. She mentioned that she woke up that morning in a bad mood and she didn’t really know why. Then she was looking through the newspaper and seeing all the Ukraine and Russian war news which was making her depressed. She then found out through that newspaper that a woman she knew from the area had passed away, who was even younger than she was. After having all these negative things happen to her, she decided that she needed to change her surroundings, so she did that by going to get a haircut. She asked the hairdresser if they could give her a "positive haircut" because she needed something positive in her life. After hearing about our new baby, she proceeded to say that this news is really what she needed that day. 
I agreed with her that all she had experienced that day didn’t sound like fun or positive, and we all go through things that are not fun to deal with. Therefore, we need something that can bring us more than just happiness or positivity. If our days are only based upon the things, we go through in this life then we won’t ever come to a place of joy because this world is just messed up. I proceeded to tell her that this is why we need Jesus, because without Him we can’t have true joy in this world. Once I mentioned that she became quiet and didn’t say much else. 

From this conversation it could seem like nothing really amounted to anything, as in something spiritual, and I would agree with you. We didn’t have a lengthy conversation after that with her wanting to hear more about Jesus. The point is that a seed was sown. We can’t save people, only God can do that. We just must be faithful in sowing the seed and praying the seeds take root.

I hope you can see a picture of the spiritual lostness from this conversation that is so common here in Slovenia. She was wanting to find hope in, you guessed it, a haircut. People here are spiritually lost and in search of something more, but just can’t seem to find it. This is why we are here, to tell people of the true Jesus that brings hope and forgiveness. That despite all the things that are going on around us we can have true joy because Jesus paid it all for us!

Please continue to pray for Julija and her husband *Franc, that they would have soft hearts towards the truth of Jesus and that we would see them trust in Jesus soon!

*Pseudonym used

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