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Field Story Latin America

Belief into Action

"Everything has its own time, and sometimes we don't get what we want right away because it still needs to grow."

Yesterday evening *Sofia, age 5, was trying to convince me to pick some lemons for her off of the orchard tree. "They're not ripe yet," I told her. "Everything has its own time, and sometimes we don't get what we want right away because it still needs to grow." 

James says that farmers know how to "wait for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and late rains." Then he applies it to us: "You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand" (James 5:7,8).

Farmers are good at waiting and working because they know what's coming, even when they don't see how the seed is developing. We too are called to be patient, working toward growth, even when we don't see how everything is developing because we know Who is coming! 

My teammates Aaron and Jeremy and I recently helped with a Bible camp for young people from all across Sicily run by Youth For Christ. The theme this year was "belief," and one of the main topics was the difference between knowing in our heads that something is true and putting that into action. During the last night when I was able to hug and pray with campers as they cried when challenged to choose to follow Jesus for themselves and let that faith change their lives, I could see how God used even little things like teaching them to swing a bat and making sure they got out of bed in the morning to help develop and grow relationships. It was exciting for me to see about ten of the campers decide to take the step of baptism, especially since I've known some of them since they attended the elementary camp, and it's wonderful to see them maturing in their faith as well as life.

At camp we were given opportunities to share of the hope of Jesus and those opportunities also happen right where we are at.

Recently, the owners of the apartment below mine called me one day to ask if I could come meet their cousin, who would be living in their apartment while studying at the university here. Her father was helping her move in, and when the topic of my work came up, we were able to have an encouraging conversation about faith, and how it's meant be put into practice in all areas of our life. *Fernanda and I have since gotten to spend time together, and she has participated in outings organized with the young people from the student ministry GBU group we've been helping with here. We never know the seeds that will be planted and how the Lord is working, in the hearts of campers or those of our neighbors, but we can trust that He is always at work!

  • Please pray for the decisions made, that they would be put into practice in life after getting home from the camp high.
  • Please pray for Fernanda, that God will continue His work in her life and give us more opportunities to share with her the chance to follow Him. 
*Pseudonym used

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