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Church Support Field Story North America

All for Jesus. Sorta. Kinda. Well Almost.

"We travel from the mountain top of all for Jesus to sorta… kinda… well almost in one breath."

Here they come again.

Younger each year, or maybe I’m just older. They come with their finger on a map and feet pointed forward, eager to go anywhere and do anything for Jesus. Men and women arrive ready to learn and willing to obey. Every new group of global workers amazes me with talent, energy and brains.

Candidates arrive at our sending agency with a unified passion, to proclaim the gospel where it isn’t. And with each week of training my own commitment is challenged by these young goers. Their going blesses me. It renews my faith. God still works in the lives of another generation wanting to love and serve him with heart, mind and soul.

I’d been praying for my friend for a long time. Her daughter, a believer was involved in a relationship with someone who didn’t share her faith. The situation grieved my friend and her husband.

You likely know a similar story, have experienced it as parents, or lived it.

“Please pray her heart would love Jesus more,” my friend asked. “Pray that she loves Jesus so much she doesn’t continue in this relationship.”

And the prayers flowed for years, until one day, my friend’s daughter and boyfriend broke the relationship.

Her daughter’s new prayer became, “I just want someone who loves Jesus with heart, mind and soul.” Born within a fervent heart full of renewed communion with Christ, she petitioned her Lord.

In the ensuing months of rejoicing as God continued to work in this young lady’s life, drawing her to a deeper walk and love with Him, my friend again expressed her desire that her daughter marry someone who loves God with heart, mind and soul.

But when cross-cultural missions knocked on the door, my friend’s response came immediately.

“Oh no, not that. I don’t want my daughter to leave me.”

How fickle we are. How quick to be like Moses, Aaron and those Israelites camped at the base of God’s mountain with a golden calf glimmering in their midst. We pledge devotion to God heart, mind and soul, but our dedication is so easily forgotten. We travel from the mountain top of all for Jesus to sorta… kinda… well almost in one breath.

We all do. Me too. And one of the big tests is our kids.

When all for Jesus comes with our own disclaimers it becomes a sham.

“Let me just place a couple of clauses on loving Jesus heart mind and soul,” we balk. A few minor exceptions.

  • Not my house.
  • Not my stuff.
  • And not my kids.

When all for Jesus comes with our own disclaimers it becomes a sham.

And Peter said, “See, we have left our homes and followed you.” And he (Jesus) said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who will not receive many times more in this time, and in the age to come eternal life. Luke 18: 28-30 (ESV)

A new batch of goers line up. They make their claim to follow Jesus to the ends of the earth. Smiles of promise light each face. I know somewhere there is a mom and dad with hands open and tears flowing. And I thank Jesus for those who love Him so much nothing is barred so everything might be gained.


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