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One of Avant's four core values is creativity. We are a mission that recognizes the power of the Creator. His wisdom and power are the source of our creativity and ability. As stewards of the time God has given us, we will use innovative methods to creatively engage with people whom God brings across our path, sharing His redemptive plan to plant the church where there is no church. Avant's media and internet ministries are grounded in this core value.

Media Center

Team members at our media center in Spain combine technology, creativity and Biblical truth to reach many with the hope of the Gospel. This unique ministry communicates biblical truth through multiple formats of creative media, and is ultimately a catalyst to plant reproducing churches.

Ministry opportunities exist to support the production of innovative Spanish and Arabic media, including graphic arts, writing, video production and editing, sound recording and engineering.

ObreroFiel Resource Website

Obrero Fiel means "faithful worker" in Spanish. Begun by Camino Global before Camino's merger with Avant, this extensive website has grown to become one of the most well known and respected sources for biblical resources and tools in the Spanish language. Spanish speakers globally rely on these resources to aid the growth and development of healthy churches, and to under gird the sending of Spanish-speaking missionaries to the ends of the earth.

Opportunities available for web development, video production, content development and more.

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