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Mission, Vision & Values

Our Passion
His Church
Planting churches among the unreached is Avant's driving passion. Our mission statement captures this foundational reason for existence while our vision statement compels us to boldly pursue transformational ministry outcomes around the world. Four core organizational values inform, inspire and involve our missionaries and ministry partners in our joint efforts to plant and develop churches globally.

Our Mission

To glorify God by helping others enjoy His presence through planting and developing new churches in the unreached areas of the world.

Our Vision

To make a difference in time for eternity by rapidly planting and developing churches where none exist.

Our Values

At the heart of our organization is our deeply rooted belief that our Creator has allowed us to be part of His redemptive plan. In honoring Him and each other through the process. We hold firm to these core values which are the epicenter of how we conduct ourselves, engage in relationships and approach our work.

There are additional values which are honored and expected within Avant, but these four are differentiators for our organization:

We are a mission that recognizes the pastoral heart of the Creator. In our pursuit of and obedience to God, we will relentlessly care for others. We will also care for those in our mission and in our team, while not neglecting those in need around us.
We are a mission that recognizes the people of the Creator. We are committed to authentic, loving relationships characterized by interdependence, generosity and submission to one another. Due to our relationship to Christ as the Head of the Church, we will connect with one another, love each other, and commit ourselves to unity amidst diversity.
We are a mission that recognizes the power of the Creator. His wisdom and power are the source of our creativity and ability. As stewards of the time God has given us, we will use innovative methods to creatively engage with people whom God brings across our path, sharing His redemptive plan to plant the church where there is no church
We are a mission that recognizes the plan of the Creator. God allows us to participate with Him to redeem creation. It is through partnerships with other believers, united in the common task, that we see God’s kingdom expanding. In our pursuit to obey God and make Him renowned we will receive an eternal reward.