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Europe Field Story Media Portugal

Surprise Spotlight

"God can use us, despite our flaws, for His glory in ways we might have never thought! "

In December we had 5 small Gospel music concerts in 4 weeks. We sang at a small church plant in another city for their Christmas celebration, on a popular shopping street, 2 metro stops and a music schools end of year recital. They were all really fun, however, the night we sang on the street did not go well. The day of this concert I could barley move, having injured my back the day prior.

Almost everything that could go wrong did. It was raining, we couldn’t get the sound system to work correctly, there was almost no one out that night because of the rain and I was very frustrated, leaning towards mad. Especially, because last year we had like 100 or more people watching on the same street. This time, we had like 6. I almost just said, forget about it, but I didn’t. We sang a couple songs and someone walked up and handed me her card. I didn’t really understand who she was but turns out she's the content director for a morning TV show here in Portugal.

A few days later she contacted me and asked if we could come and sing on their program. I was shocked because I thought we sounded really bad that night and I couldn’t believe she would want us. We scheduled the event and  It went super well. We sang 2 songs. One in English and one in Portuguese. My friend told me that it is very uncommon to hear this type of music in Portuguese and it was the first time he had heard Gospel music like this sung on Portuguese on TV. I’ve heard from a few people that it was a very impactful moment. 

I thought the program was just for the city of Porto, but turns out that’s not true. It is an international show. It goes out to all the Portuguese speaking countries on this side of the water and also other countries that have large populations of Portuguese speakers, like Germany and France! I am so glad I didn’t know that before.  I had no idea that by singing that night, even when I didn’t have a huge desire to, God would use that in this way! God can use us, despite our flaws, for His glory in ways we might have never thought! 

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