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Church Planting Field Story Latin America Mexico

The Sites of Sunday Morning

"May you be encouraged that God is at work, in little and big ways, may we learn to be attentive to those things and let them fill our hearts with joy that comes from Him."

After months of isolation and the reality of life on a screen, one of our missionaries shares what it was like to return to in-person services at their church. This season has been challenging for many but often it is during times like this that the Lord helps us notice more of the small things, that bring us joy! May you be encouraged that God is at work, in little and big ways, may we learn to be attentive to those things and let them fill our hearts with joy that comes from Him.

The Sites of Sunday Morning

As I looked around the church building yesterday morning my heart was filled with joy!  

I saw the teen that made the extra effort to walk to church even though the rest of his family could not make it. 

I saw the young boy that would usually be in a Sunday School class but is glad to join his mom and grandma during the service today.

I saw the hand gel on people hands as we fist bumped in greeting because of the restrictions. 

I saw the husband that has decided to serve the Lord and glorify Him in his life. I also saw that his family is following his example. 

I saw the lady that volunteered to read a verse during the service. She has come the last few weeks. She is interested in learning more about God and the Bible. We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in her life and that soon she will understand the Gospel.

I saw the guest that came with a friend for the first time and had to sit alone. 

I saw another young mom trying to keep her little baby asleep as we sang praises to our Lord. 

I saw smiles on the faces of my brothers and sisters in Christ that were happy to have the freedom to worship together today. Each one had a wonderful story of how the Lord has worked in their lives. 

I saw the chairs separated in clusters because of Covid-19 but a unity that defies the 6 feet separating us. 

I saw brothers reading God’s Word together.

I saw the computer that completely died during the PowerPoint presentation and I rejoiced when everyone just continued with the worship without missing a beat.  

I saw the family listening to God’s word and sharing how they are going to apply it to their lives in the coming week. 

I saw the young kid playing with his face mask as he patiently listened to the preaching. 

I saw the tired parents of a mentally challenged girl. They tried to pay attention while their daughter laughed and played. We didn’t mind her noises because we know that God loves her much more than we could imagine, and she had a joy that was exciting to us but that we could not understand.  I nodded to them and let them know the noises were ok; God is glorified in her praises as He is in ours.  

I saw the smiles as everyone left. Encouraging each other while giving fist bumps instead of the traditional kiss, hug, or handshake.  It was a great day!  

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