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Church Planting Field Story Middle East

Obedient to the Call

"Now that Christ has come and fulfilled the law our righteousness is found in Him and we have a new command of living according to walking in the Spirit in light of the gospel!"

 It's a fairly regular occurrence that I receive a text or call from a random person because I speak Arabic. Sometimes I am asked to meet with an Arabic student or refugee for paperwork, a dentist appointment, help someone apply for a new apartment, or... helping a family move. Last night after prayer meeting my friend Cam and I went to help a random Arab student, his wife, and their two young children move apartments. This was the first time we had met and he was so grateful that we were willing to help. All of his other friends made excuses or just didn't come. 

After a few loads, we took a break and he asked us this interesting question. "Isn't it like your culture to have pizza and beer for the people who help you move"? I had never thought about that being apart of my culture but it pretty true. Cam and I thought about it and both chimed in... "Yeah, you're right"! He didn't have any pizza but gave us Oreos and this opened up the perfect conversation. He told us of the time he helped move an American friend and they offered him a beer and pepperoni pizza (both of these things are strictly forbidden in Islam). He then asked us if we drink to which we said no but lead perfectly to the difference between the Law of Moses and the Commands of Christ. 

 We talked about how the law was given to set apart the people of God as well as to show us our sin before Him. Now that Christ has come and fulfilled the law our righteousness is found in Him and we have a new command of living according to walking in the Spirit in light of the gospel! 

After talking about the law our conversation took a turn for the best!  We began talking about the person of Jesus Christ begin one as God and with God. After we explained these things Khaled stated something that was such an encouragement and disheartening at the same time. "I have been here for six years and have never understood what Christians believe". He had heard from some people that Jesus was not God but only a mediator and from others that he was the son of God but he never knew what that meant. Cam and I were so encouraged and we asked Kaled if he would want to begin reading the Bible with us to understand more about what His Word says. He said yes and we are so excited to continue this relationship!

  As we left Khaled was so grateful and gave us the biggest hugs and reminded us that we needed to give him a Bible! He is such a kind man but needs to understand his need for the gospel in his life. This is reason we continue to follow the Lord in ministry, for opportunities like this to proclaim the hope of the gospel so that others might hear.  

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