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Africa Church Planting Field Story South Sudan

Muslim to Christian: Kenya to South Sudan

"It was not possible for me to accept Christ due to strong Islamic beliefs against the Christian faith.”

     "It was not possible for me to accept Christ due to strong Islamic beliefs against the Christian faith.” Those were the words of Omari Omollo, born in a small Muslim community in Kenya. There were no other options at that time as his family was of the Muslim faith and his community had many controversies with the truth of the gospel.
     In Omari’s community if you disagreed with the truth of the gospel you could be rejected from the community and it could lead to death. It was difficult for Omari to choose Christ but after being confronted with the truth of the Bible Omari made his choice to follow Christ. Omari spent many years studying and earned degrees in theology, social community transformation and Development.
     Omari grew as a leader in different realms. He served in the church as a deacon for three years before graduating in the ministry of evangelism as a senior evangelist and later ordained.  Omari planted 10 churches in Kenya. He noticed his churches suffered both socially and economically and felt he needed to help and develop a program for social and economic stimulation in the church context. As his family watch Omari serve and empower people in faith as well as socially and economically his mother gave her life to the Lord before she passed on. This lead to others in his family, even his uncle who was an 'Islamic Kadhi', a leader in Islam to give his life to Christ and to serve Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 
     Omari was dedicated to serving Christ, planting churches, evangelizing and discipling others. He realized the impoverished church was not only in Kenya, so he became a missionary to several east African countries but landed in South Sudan. Seeing that the church in South Sudan struggle significantly, Omari joined our team with the vision to partner together to see churches planted in South Sudan.
     Omari has been a great addition to our team and continues to grow and encourage others. In 2017 we equipped 24 people to train nationals in Short Cycle Church planting and are seeing a movement of multiplication of Church Planters and Church Planter trainers.  In 2018 many more will be trained in a one year program with 4 modules practicing what they learn after each module to graduate only to train others.
     Churches are being planted. Omari never dreamed he would be a Christian, never mind serving as a missionary in South Sudan, but he continues to follow the call of God on his life. Join us in prayer for the many people who will her the good news of the gospel this year. Pray that they would be open and that God would work in their hearts that many might come to know Him!


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