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Bolivia Church Support Field Story Latin America

From Willingness to Transformation

" El Jordan is a stepping stone, a place to grow, to flourish, to walk with God as He starts to refine and mould His path for you."

     Oliver works full time at the Boys Youth Center. When he first became involved with El Jordan, he came for “Christmas on the streets”, where a group of young men from his church they would cook our 1750 kilos (3850lbs) of Christmas meat all night till the early the morning hours. Shortly after Oliver began volunteering in our children’s program once a week working with our school aged boy and then 3 years ago Oliver became a full-time worker at the Boys Youth Center.   
     The other day, I asked Oliver why/what has kept him around El Jordan all these years?  “I saw a need, a chance to serve and so I did, then when I was introduced to the workshops, my heart was opened more, and I asked God if there was ever a possibility to work there I would.” Oliver has a university degree in another area, really nothing to do with education, but he is willing and purposefully gave up a chance to work in his chosen profession, to serve in minister. Oliver’s story for me sums up on of the many things that God has done here at El Jordan.
     El Jordan was started with the vision to reach street people but so many times we are constantly reminded that El Jordan’s purpose is not just that but also for us, Oliver’s story is a testament to this. For myself and many other’s El Jordan is a stepping stone, a place to grow, to flourish, to walk with God as He starts to refine and mould His path for you.
     If you ask anyone that works here I bet our stories would be similar. Our eyes were shown a chance to serve, our hearts were ready, just needing that push and with that opportunity before us we were able to jump in. Along with that service came growth, for myself, I know that if not for this “safe place” (El Jordan) I probably would still be sitting with the desire to serve, but unaware, scared, blind to what God had wanted for me these many years and vulnerability with Him so that growth in Him could happen.
     El Jordan is a place for growth, we ask that our families who come, show a “desire to change” and I as I sit here, 15years after my first arrival I see that this “desire to change” isn’t just for our families in our program, but for us who work, serve here as well. “A Humble man is more courageous then a prideful man.”
     Oliver, who came as a once a year volunteer, is now reaching and developing lifelong relationships daily with our youth boys. He, himself, is still learning and still changing, still allowing God to mould him to the man he shall be. El Jordan provided an opportunity to serve, to be vulnerable to learn, Oliver grabbed a hold of this, listened to God’s call and now with his experience he is walking alongside those teenage boys, where most of their world had given up on them, and demonstrating what God can do in one’s life if we allow Him in. God transformed Oliver’s life and now Oliver is helping transform the lives of others!

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