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Bolivia Church Support Field Story Latin America

Jail Cell to Selling Bread

I first met Leidy in jail. She was 20-years-old, 7-months-pregnant, and sharing a cell with her mother and younger sister.

I first met Leidy in jail. She was 20-years-old, 7-months-pregnant, and sharing a cell with her mother and younger sister. Leidy was released the night before giving birth to her second daughter, Romina.

My teammate Corina met this family nearly 20 years ago, when they were all on the streets. From the time Leidy was six years old and her sister Laura was 8, they would pick up “Christmas on the Streets” meals to share with their younger sisters. She attended El Jordan with her aunt for a while. Then, a few years later, Leidy and her four younger sisters were put into a children’s home where Leidy stayed until she was in her mid-teens.

In February 2016 an El Jordán volunteer reconnected with Leidy and she decided to sign up for El Jordán classes.

This year at El Jordan we made a change in the way we teach the practical classes. Rather than having the women learn many skills on a basic level, we want them to concentrate on learning one skill well. We give them the opportunity to practice until they gain expertise and confidence.

Within their weekly class, the women start selling their products. Under the guidance of El Jordán volunteers, the women can acquire basic knowledge of running a small business. Their earnings accumulate in their “savings account” in the El Jordán office until they can afford their own supplies. One student, Miriam, already bought her own oven and is making and selling cupcakes every day.

Leidy is a part of the bread making class which has had a successful start. They began with a healthy whole grain bread and will also learn to make white bread to sell.

We give thanks because Leidy is showing an external change in her lifestyle. My hope and prayer is that this external change is because God is stirring her heart

Pray with us

  • Pray that Leidy will desire to sell bread instead of the other ways she used to earn money.
  • Pray that she continues coming to El Jordán. It is a place where she feels loved and accepted.
  • Pray most of all for Leidy—and the women like her—that a lasting change would take place in her heart by accepting Jesus as her Savior.


"You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness." Ephesians 4:22-24

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