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Bolivia Church Support Field Story Latin America

A Pair of shoes and an afternoon adventure

"God knew that in giving Maickol these shoes, He showed Maickol, the truth of His name, the God who cares, the good shepherd, the God who hears, Abba Father, the Great I Am"

     Maickol turned 10 last month. It’s been a year since his sister and he have been coming to El Jordan with his grandma Beatriz. We have a rule at El Jordan, if you come during your birthday week you will get your birthday cupcake, if you come on your birthday you get a present too! That may sound a bit cheap or unfair but when you have over 100 children coming through regularly you have to figure out a system that supports your capabilities and which is fair to all. Maickol showed up that day without saying anything and I can’t remember who whispered in my ear, “its Maickol’s birthday today!”, but I do remember how that day played out after that moment.
     Upstairs I went to the “new things” storage room, searching for just the right gift. I was searching for a shirt, a ball, a hoodie. What would Maickol like? What would he need, he needs everything, their family life is very unstable, as well as the finances. But “like” “what would suit him better?” After 15 minutes of searching and nothing seeming like the “perfect” gift, I called up Patricia one of our staff who regularly visits Maickol’s family, to ask her what she thought.  Patricia had just visited Maickol’s family!
     “Is there a pair of shoes? He needs shoes, it’s why he hasn’t been coming to class, his shoes are broken in half and he is embarrassed to come.” I grimaced, shoes, we hardly get decent shoes and it’s been years since we received shoes in larger children’s sizes. But I was hopeful. We looked in the corner where we keep shoes, hoping maybe there would be a pair big enough for him. We found everything but boy shoes, baby shoes, girl shoes, men’s, women’s. No boys… but wait, what’s that…there, the very last pair, could it really be? Could these be them? Yes, we looked at each smiling knowing this little pair of shoes would fit Maickol. The last of the last, the hidden pair from 4-5 years ago when we got that last big shoe donation, blue, red, grey what could be more perfect. We were so excited, we wrapped them up and waited for Maickol to come to class.  As He opened his gift, his polite smile peeked out, his eyes glistened, he looked at us and asked “do you want me to try them on?” and just like in Cinderella, they were a perfect fit!
     We went downstairs to show his grandma who was in class. As she walked into the office he stood there with new shoes on. He was smiling waiting for her to say something, she came to him, they hugged and together they cried as she whispered in his ear, “you prayed, and God heard you” I know that those of us watching in the office, not one was able keep our eyes dry. We watched as God showed His love for Maickol, He saved that blue pair of shoes all these years. He knew that in May 2018 a little boy would sit in his house asking God for a new pair of shoes. God knew that Patricia would take this family upon her heart and minister to them each month. He knew that I, who usually finds the “perfect gift” all the time, would hesitate and ask for back-up. God knew that in giving Maickol these shoes, He showed Maickol, the truth of His name, the God who cares, the good shepherd, the God who hears, Abba Father, the Great I Am, the God who comforts, all powerful living God who cares for the least of these and places them by His side so that they may know.

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