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Greece: Discipleship Materials

Project #72006
Church Support Europe Greece
Greece has a deep and vibrant history, and this nation has significantly influenced both the ancient and modern world. Greece was an early center of Christianity. Today, however; there are few believers and churches that preach the gospel.

Less than 1% of the population in Greece claim to be evangelical Christian. This country, with its rich history and influence, is now largely characterized by nominal religious beliefs, with many people relying on rituals and ceremonies rather than faith in Christ. The Greek Evangelical Church is a small and fragile community that faces some serious challenges.

But there is hope. Even though gospel growth has been slow in recent decades, there are signs of renewal. Missionaries in Greece are planting new churches to bring the gospel to this unreached country. In order to multiply robust communities of faith, pastors and church leaders require discipleship materials in the heart language of the people. However, there’s a significant obstacle: these types of high-quality theological resources do not exist in Modern Greek.

To address this need, Avant has launched a project for the translation and printing of 7,000 biblical discipleship materials in modern Greek. Each copy will cost $2.85 to translate, print and distribute. These resources cover essential topics like prayer, worship, biblical theology, and missions. They aim to equip Greek believers with the knowledge and wisdom they need to deepen their faith and to help the Greek Evangelical Church flourish.

$19,950 Project Goal
$0 Amount Raised
$19,950 Still Needed
0% 100%

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