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Asia Business Field Story Vietnam

"Wait, I'm supposed to be the one asking questions here!"

"I was reminded of my Creator, the one who made me, the one who knows my flaws and my weaknesses, but still wants to use me despite them."

     Don't you love it when God totally overrides your plans?
     I was sitting at a table, trying to summon-up the energy to study my language lesson after a long day of learning and lectures. I had only been at the training for a few days, but all of the new information on product marketing, rammed earth building, and sustainable agriculture was starting to become a bit overwhelming, never mind that I had yet to start on my language homework! I let out a sigh, and took out my work: the first 4 chapters of Genesis from a children's Bible, cut up into paragraphs and mixed together, in the local language.
     My unsaved co-worker, who had also been sent to this training, saw me sigh and asked what was wrong. I showed him the homework I had, and he right away said "Well I'll check the order when you're done." I smiled inwardly, that meant he'd have to read the first four chapter of Genesis, in condensed form, in his own language. I chuckled a bit to myself, what a great plan. I was already thinking of ways I could use this to my advantage.
     I rearranged the paragraphs and he checked it over. I was trying to think of my next move, my heart pounding in my chest. This was an opportunity I couldn't pass up, this was the whole reason I came, the whole reason I was building relationships with the people around me. Before I could say another word, he pointed to the story.
     "Read it aloud to me."  I stuttered, and managed to read the story aloud to him. I once again started to think of my next words when he beat me to it again.
     "Do you understand what you read?" I shook my head. I could pronounce the words (for the most part) but there was too much new vocabulary. How could I possibly know it all? He nodding understandingly, then made me read through it sentence by sentence in the original language and then paraphrase it in English.
     When we finished, I thought "Now it's my time to shine. I can do this!" And then he leaned back in his chair and opened his mouth. "What did you learn from this story?"
     I couldn't speak. What did I learn? Wait, that was supposed to be my question to him! I was supposed to be the one drawing out the lessons, sharing the meaning behind this biblical account, and yet it was him asking me? At that moment, I was humbled. 
     We discussed the verses for a while until the dinner bell rang.  As I walked up to the kitchen, I marveled at what had just happened. I looked up at the stars in the sky and was reminded of my Creator, the one who made me, the one who knows my flaws and my weaknesses, but still wants to use me despite them. He's the one who takes all of my plans and changes them, but He changes them for the better.
     Please continue to pray for my co-workers, language teacher and others I come into contact with on a daily basis. This one instance helped to remind me that it's not me who's at work in their hearts, but someone far more powerful than I am!

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