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Brazil Church Planting Field Story Latin America

Virtual Ministry: Powerful Gospel

"They were blown away when all the family members who gathered at Dilia’s house made professions of faith on the spot."

  In a very quick time-span our world has turned virtual. There has been adjustment, flexibility and creativity needed to adapt and adjust to this new norm. None of this took and or takes God by surprise. God is working in hearts around the world. Our missionaries have adapted and become creative and depended on the Lord in new ways.
     We have been reminded that we are called to be obedient and available exactly where God has us, for the work that He is doing, and to give Him the glory. We could easily tell story after story of how God has been at work in these months.
     We have celebrated new believers in Western Asia, Mexico, North Africa, believers baptized in Slovenia, new missionaries deployed and countless other ways we are reminded that God is at work. We want to share just one of those stories with you, that you might be encouraged and reminded that He is the one who is working, online and off line, and He calls us to available exactly where we are.
    In Brazil, Jonas and Beth Menezes have gone to live streaming church services on Sundays for their church group. Jonas felt led to prepare an evangelistic Gospel message for a recent service. That night two men made professions of faith! Jonas and Beth had been praying for these men for a while. Until this night they had not shown much interest. There was much rejoicing!
    A 72-year-old lady in their congregation named Dilia invited a bunch of her family members to gather at her house to join the service at 7:30pm. She has frequently confused the meeting times, and the Sunday service actually started at 6pm.  At 7:30, Dilia texted Beth and said she was all set with 7 family members for the service.
     Beth went to another room and started communicating with Dilia and told her the service was about over. Dilia asked if Jonas could give the sermon again for her and all the family that had gathered.  Beth said he probably could and gave her some scripture to look at and read with the family until Jonas could join them. When Jonas finished the service, he got online with Dilia’s family and preached the sermon that he had prepared for the main congregation. They were blown away when all the family members who gathered at Dilia’s house made professions of faith on the spot.
     None of her family had shown any interest in the Lord, and their lives are rather messy. But we are reminded, that we are all messy and that God meets us exactly where we are. God had been softening hearts and salvation was embraced. Jonas and Beth are now discipling these new believers, all without leaving their house.

Pray for Dilia and her family, that they would grow in their relationship with the Lord. 
Pray for Jonas and Beth, that they would have wisdom as they disciple these new believers. 
Pray for more people to know to know Christ in Brazil, in this season. 

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