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Church Planting Europe Field Story Spain


Finally they said, “That is fascinating. So you study and teach the Bible?”

I was sitting in the café studying Spanish when a prominent business man by the name of Antonio* came over and began talking to me. (It is completely normal for strangers here to join each other for a chat). He told me that Maria—my friend who works at the café—suggested that he should come say hello. It turned out that Antonio had a friend who lived in Canada, so he just wanted to talk about Canada. I think he was also checking to see if I could carry on a conversation in Spanish because soon he invited me to join him and his friend. The two men, Antonio and Miguel,* asked me what it is that I did here in Spain, so I told them, specifying that I was with the protestant evangelical church.

“Not the Catholic Church, the Protestant Church?" Antonio asked.
“Yes the Protestant Church." I said. After about 5 minutes they asked again.
“The Protestant Church??” They asked.
“Yep, the Protestant Church,” I said.

 “Oh, I didn't even know we had one of those in Valladolid,” Antonio said. I told them about the small church I attend. Then we moved on in the conversation. Soon they circled back and asked again.

 “The PROTESTANT Church...?” This happened for a few more times. Finally they said, “That is fascinating. So you study and teach the Bible?” I told them that that is what our team does here.

Antonio told me he has a deep interest in studying the Bible, although he has never done it before. Miguel said something very similar. I told them that my teammate was planning to start a men’s Bible study. They were both excited and asked that I please introduce them. Please pray for the Lord to continue to work in their hearts. Pray also for the unreached people of Spain, only 1.4% of the people are evangelical Christians.

 *pseudonyms used

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