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Church Planting Europe Field Story Slovenia

Royalty in God's Eyes

"He spoke to my heart, that I am His, He wants me for Himself, and He took everything away from me so I would search Him; otherwise I never would have. He said He would lift me up again so I can tell others He lives."

      Our team in Slovenia met Gregor a couple years ago. Since then God has worked in his life and he has surrendered his life to Him. Our team had the joy of baptizing him last year. God continues to work in his life and the Lord is using him in the church in Slovenia.  He has graciously allowed us to share his testimony, that you might be encouraged how God has and continues to work in his life. 
     I was raised without parents after the age of 12, and I had to grow up quickly. Now when I look back I wish I had an authoritative figure in my teenage years, offering guidance.  Instead I was a bit lost and I was unconsciously hiding that with an over-confident attitude. In short at 22, I left my job as a police officer and went into a business that was actually a pretty good success. Immature as I was I couldn’t handle it. Nearing the age of 30, when I was at my highest from the world’s point of view, a new era started to open up for me. Because of arrogance and lack of wisdom I broke up with my girlfriend of 8 years, lost a lot of money, became ill, had a loan to pay off, lost my car, and moved to another part of the country. There I met isolation and was jobless; just to name a few things that happened. Finally I broke down and was on my knees praying to God, if He existed, to save me from these trials and asking why it all happened. This went on for years, and it led me to read the whole Bible, while I was praying and seeking Him.
     After a while God spoke back, and revealed to me all the sins that lead me to my trouble. He spoke to my heart, that I am His, He wants me for Himself, and He took everything away from me so I would search Him; otherwise I never would have. He said He would lift me up again so I can tell others He lives. The idea of Jesus as personal Lord and Savior was revealed to me as I read the Bible. I believed Him when He told me He will raise me up again out of my trouble so I experienced the resurrection power and believed in it. I trusted Him as my God, because He was all I had.
     I have a testimony and it is hard to type it here, but for sure I know that we seek God when we suffer. That way He can glorify Himself in us. The Bible tells us a lot about us and God, and that He only has the solution. After all I have been through I literally fear God; but at the same time, in my prayers and the community we have here, I am learning and receiving God’s love. Love is something I didn’t have before. It brings me peace to know we have a heritage with Him and that we are royalty.

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