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Europe Field Story Relief Ukraine

Providing a Temporary Home

Filip, Olga and their church are providing meals, transportation, clothing and toys... [and] seeking new places where they can care for more families fleeing the war.

Daryna* and Iryna* fled Western Ukraine in early March, leaving behind their homes, their husbands and their livelihoods to find security in Poland. Like so many others, these women risked their lives to keep their children safe while their husbands remained to defend their country.

Daryna and her three children (ages 13, 8 and 5) along with her friend Iryna and her son (age 8), found refuge in the home of Filip and Olga, Avant Missionaries in Poland. Daryna has known Filip and Olga for several years from working together at Christian day camps in Western Ukraine. Daryna and Iryna together ran a ministry at their home church focusing on discipling young mothers in poor economic situations. All of which they had to leave behind.

The two women and their children reached Poland a week after the war began and even after they arrived safely the sound of bomb alarms was fresh in their memory. They were afraid to leave the apartment they now called “home” for many days. Praise God for the comfort and peace He provided these women and their children after a few days in Poland.
Filip and Olga knew of a vacant apartment through a connection at their church that would be able to house Daryna, Iryna and their children. They soon moved in and are now in search of temporary work. Daryna hopes to be hired as an English translator, and possibly use her graphic design skills despite not having a professional computer. As for now they both started cleaning apartments, what allows them to make some money.

The four children are now attending school in Poland and have adjusted well to the new routines. They are learning Polish, taking art classes and spend time playing sports. Their mothers along with Filip and Olga are filled with joy knowing this school has been a blessing to the kids amid a traumatic season.

Filip and Olga's church has seen an increase in other Ukrainian refugees. After two weeks they were providing care to around 40 Ukrainians. Many of these refugees are young mothers like Daryna and Iryna. Filip, Olga and their church are providing meals, transportation, clothing and toys whenever they can. They are currently seeking new places where they can care for more families fleeing the war. As more refugees find solace in their church, pray they learn the truth of the gospel.

*Pseudonyms used

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