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Field Story Recruitment

Jehovah Jireh- He will provide: Even in Singleness

"Some days I’m releasing all that is in me to the safe hands of the Father. Other days I cling hard and refuse to open my hands and let go"

“Your life is so much easier than ours because you don’t have to deal with a family”

“When you love God with your whole heart, that’s when He will give you a husband”

“If you are making an impact now, wait until you're married!”

Those are all things that I had said to me by well-meaning believers during my time support raising and on the field. If I am honest, those types of comments always stung. Not because I thought they were unfair but because I am human, and I have had similar thoughts and prayed similar prayers.

Most of the time, I am content and happy being in the place that God has me. I believe my contentment has everything to do with my relationship with God.

Single life is not necessarily harder, but it is definitely not easier. 

Everyone has the hand that God has given them, and every hand has its unique challenges. Keeping that in mind is a step in bearing one another’s burdens in a way that puts God’s love and grace on display.

A couple of weeks ago, when I was struggling with feeling alone and I was reading in Genesis.

Genesis 22:14 says, “So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, ‘On that mountain of the Lord it will be provided.’"

What does it mean to walk up the mountain with the knife and the firewood like Abraham did, and put that dream on the altar of sacrifice? I am not sure if God will provide a husband for me. However, He showed Himself to be Jehovah Jireh, God the provider, to Abraham but also to me. He has provided me with things I have never expected.

Have you ever had to surrender something? It is hard to surrender but if I don’t, I fear it will consume me, eat away at my heart, or become a stony idol. Some days I’m releasing all that is in me to the safe hands of the Father. Other days I cling hard and refuse to open my hands and let go. No matter what, I want to embrace the life God has for me. I want to live it, not waiting for something that may never come, but looking expectantly to the God who WILL provide, no matter what it is He is providing.

Have you allowed singleness to keep you from doing what God has called you to do? If you are feeling the pull to serving God overseas, don’t let that fear drive you. Live your life the way you were created to live it. Take that leap of faith, pursue a conversation with us to talk about your passion for the lost. It is never easy following what God asks but it is always worth it!

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