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Church Planting Europe Field Story Italy

On The "Roman Road" With Lorenzo

"I concluded “Then, all you need to do is confess your sin to God and trust Jesus who died for your sins and rose from death that you may have eternal life. Think it over. It’s your decision.”

Lorenzo, a high school senior, lives across the street from church. One Sunday, several months ago, he visited and I said that if he had any questions I would gladly meet with him. We met the following Tuesday and he said he had a burning question: “How can I know for sure that I can be saved?” For an hour and a half we enjoyed an amazing conversation as I shared the Gospel mainly from Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. Lorenzo listened eagerly to God’s Word.

At the end I briefly repeated the main points: God is holy and just; man is sinful, separated and under God's judgement; Christ is the perfect Lamb who died in our stead; repentance is turning away from sin; faith is believing in Christ’s finished work and resurrection; salvation is the free gift of God. Lorenzo said it was all very clear to him. I concluded: “Then, all you need to do is confess your sin to God and trust Jesus who died for your sins and rose from death that you may have eternal life. Think it over. It’s your decision.”

 We met the following Tuesday and I asked him if he had given thought to the things we had discussed. He replied with a big smile: “Yes I did! I asked the Lord to forgive me and give me the gift of eternal life.”

Not long after he invited his mom to church. Recently his mom and dad attended twice and are quite open to the things of the Lord.

 Lorenzo gladly shares his newfound faith. Recently after church he gave me a long hand written letter from a fellow student named *Nadeen. She is a young Moroccan girl who is disillusioned with the muslim faith. In her letter she asked five amazing questions regarding true conversion and its practical daily implications. She was quite happy to receive the detailed written answers. She would like to attend church but is afraid of her parents’ reactions.

Please pray that the Lord will open Nadeen’s heart, and that her parents, nominal muslims, would not hinder her in any way. Pray also that the Lord would soften the hearts of her parents, that they might come to know Jesus as their personal Savior! 

*Pseudonym used


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