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Field Story Guatemala

Guatemalans for Christ: One at a time!

"How do we win Guatemalans for the Lord and His Kingdom? One at a time"

Home. The place where we gather. The place where we grow. Some think of home as a joyful place. Some think of it as a challenging place. Asunción Mita is a small town in eastern Guatemala. In Asunción, in the back end of the soccer stadium, there are a string of shacks, surrounded by bars and places of ill repute, this is also home. 

What many people think of as a string of shacks is where two daughters called home. In one of these lived 2 sisters, Angela, age 16 and Berenice, age 19.  Byron, their father, works for us on our property. The daughters have grown up with in the challenging reality like many, where their parents have been divorced for many years. 

Despite what the condition of their homes the challenges that came in their family, these two sisters preserved with what the Lord has given them. They are hard workers and from a young age their father wanted what was best for his daughters.

Bryon would boast with me about his daughters and would also express his concern regarding the area where his daughters lived. Surrounding their house were drug traffickers who would flaunt their weapons openly. This was not an easy burden to carry as a father.

We would often think about how we could help this family. The Lord has provided an opportunity in our ministry throughout the years to be able to host young people on our property to mentor them in the ways of Christ. After much prayer, we invited Bryon´s daughters to come and live with their father in a house we built especially for them.

After getting to know each of them, we were in for a very pleasant surprise. Their virtues observed by their father were true.  

Berenice is an extremely intelligent computer whiz. We purchased for her a laptop, printer, and we are helping pay for her education. She is studying in her third year of the university (online) toward a degree in programming new software for the business world. 

Angela is still in high school and struggles academically. However, she has a teachable spirit. I am their English professor. We might be working on grammar and sentence structure, but each is an opportunity to love and encourage Angela as the Lord continues to work.

So…. here we have two teenagers who have a heart for God and a brilliant future ahead of them. How do we win Guatemalans for the Lord and His Kingdom? One at a time.

  • Pray for Berenice as she continues is her university studies, that she would continue to be dedicated and grow through her studies.
  • Pray for Angela to preserver in her studies and have a joy in learning!


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