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Church Planting Field Story Latin America Uruguay

"This Changes Everything!"

“I understand God's love so much more! People need to hear this!”

On Tuesdays, my teammate and I meet with one of the ladies in our community to study the Bible. She is patient with us as we struggle through our Spanish. God is bigger than our language failings, and He recently let us witness something beautiful during our Bible study.

In early March we studied Philippians 2 as an example of humility. As our friend finished reading the passage out loud it was as though the Spirit turned on the lights. She began to grasp the significance of Jesus' willingness to leave His place with the Father in heaven so that He could become a lowly human in order to die on the cross for her sins.

“This changes everything!” She said. “I understand God's love so much more! People need to hear this!” How wonderful it was to watch her eyes light up and hear the praise flow from her lips. I was giddy at the recognition that it wasn't any of my poorly conjugated verbs that had led her to this point—it was the living word of God and His Spirit that were bringing about this understanding!

Many people in Uruguay are unreached with the gospel.
Please pray for the Lord's church to be planted in Uruguay.

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