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Field Story Recruitment

Are You Going?

"God is going to do big and mighty things through you or because of you as you serve overseas. But He will also do five million small things in and through you"

For those of you going, thank you for going! The need is great, and the Lord continues to call people to go, thank you for your obedience. You might be going, and you are feeling all sorts of emotions and experiencing thoughts in association with moving to another country. That’s normal! But let me ask you this, do you remember the first time you went overseas? Do you remember that fire? Do you remember that way you felt when our Father tugged at your heart to serve in another country?

I want to encourage you to remember a few truths.

Go back to those memories, to the beginning. Back to the big-eyed girl (or boy) who believed she could change the world.

You are still that person! (I need to be reminded of that sometimes too)

You are changing the world when taking care of your family.
You are changing the world when you brave a team meeting as a single girl.
You are changing the world when you drive in a foreign country.
You are changing the world by raising support.
You are changing the world by following Gods calling to go.
You are changing the world by being who God has made you to be.

You are doing it!

God is going to do big and mighty things through you or because of you as you serve overseas. But He will also do five million small things in and through you.

Embrace the small things and rejoice in Him in that. Stand in wonder and awe at the big things.

And when you are in the middle of things, wondering if anything will ever work out. Or when you think things will “fail”. Or when you are just in the thick of everything…. Remember to breathe.

In the good, in the bad, in the hard, in the excitement…. God is going to be making you more like Him and that is the most important mission any of us will ever be on.

If you are just starting on that journey. Hold on tight. But GO! Throw yourself into the language. Eat all the weird street food. Fall in love with the people and the culture. Make yourself at home.

If you have been on this journey for a bit… GO! Continue to greet what God has in front of you with the confidence that He cares deeply for you and everyone else where you live.

And if you love people on this journey…. GO! Encourage them, it's not easy! Listen to their stories and pray for them. Love them for where they are and what they have gone through. Visit them in their foreign field to encourage them (if they aren’t on the field yet…. plan on visiting them!)

We are reminded of the great need but more importantly of our great God who is calling, equipping, sustaining and working in and through each and every one of us as we walk in obedience to Him.

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