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Field Story Portugal Ukraine Relief

A Journey to Safety

He felt God was giving him an opportunity to get people out of the refugee camps and into a safe place to restart life.
Logan, a church planter in Portugal, was informed there was a need for refugee bus drivers. The job of these drivers was to go pick up Ukrainian refugees on the border of Ukraine and Poland and take them to safety in other European countries.

Although the war in Ukraine seemed far away from his home, like many others "the crisis that has unfolded has been on all our hearts and minds, regardless of where you might live,” Logan said.

He felt God was giving him an opportunity to get people out of the refugee camps and into a safe place to restart life.

However, finances became a major obstacle in making this trip possible. Logan prayed for God to provide and thanks to the generosity of his ministry partners and all who donated to the Ukraine Crisis Response, Logan was able to rent a van, pay for gas, gather supplies and transport 23 refugees to safety in Portugal.

One family in Logan’s van included a Ukrainian pastor, his wife and three children. *Andriy is one of the lucky few men who was given permission to drive his family across the border to Poland, now he must return to fight. Andriy said he wants to stay with his family, but he knows his responsibilities are to help other refugees and support his country.

In addition to being a pastor, Andriy owns a hostel where many members of his church are staying on their way out of the country. He provides food, water and shelter for Ukrainians trying to leave the country. Before crossing the border back into Ukraine, Andriy prayed with his family and Logan, who ensured him he would take care of his family as if they were his own.

The journey to safety took three days, driving across five countries and over 2,000 miles. Although the trip to Portugal was hard on many families, Logan said they have been doing well since reaching safety and are thankful they can now sleep without fear of what tomorrow will bring.

Not only are 23 people now finding safety in the country of Portugal, but many heard the Gospel on this three-day journey and came to faith in Jesus. Our God is one of hope and love, even in the chaos.

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