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Church Planting Europe Field Story Italy

Bus Ride Conversations

"So why are you really here? What made you come to Genoa?" She asked it as though it were the last place on earth she wanted to be.

"So why are you really here? What made you come to Genoa?" She asked it as though it were the last place on earth she wanted to be.

Her question hit my heart instantly.  I knew I had to answer her with the truth and I knew that answering with the truth may cause her to run in the other direction. Take courage, I thought, and speak.

We met Paula in a government mandated class that lasted for 10 hours over 2 days. They were long days but we did get to meet Paula! She was surprisingly open to talking with me and shared some of her story. She just moved to Genova from Mexico and she was interested in practicing her English.

 We ended up waiting at the same bus stop, where she asked many different questions. I prayed that the Lord would give me the words to speak to her and for a sensitive heart for her to hear. The questions continued and I was filled with joy at this opportunity.

After I explained that God’s prompting was the reason we were in Genoa, she opened up that she believes God exists but she has an aversion to man-made institutions of religion. She continued to share her heart-breaking experiences in church.

We were able to talk the entire bus ride back and I had the opportunity to encourage her that God loves her and does want a relationship and conversation with her. We are grateful for God setting up opportunities like this one to love and encourage those around us. As we go about our days we must always be ready to give an answer, to the some-what simple question of “so why are you here?” and to the more life changing question of “who is God and why should I believe in Him?”

•             Praise for the opportunity to meet Paula and share our story with her

•             Pray for Paula, and those we continue to come in contact with each day

•             Pray that we would be attentive to these opportunities and be ready to give an answer to these questions 

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