Child Safety & Protection Network
Avant partners with the Child Safety and Protection Network to support the common desire of like-minded agencies and schools to provide safe and rich experiences for all children. Through this network, we are resolved to collaborate in our efforts to:
- Develop and deliver child safety education and curriculum
- Share quality resources to promote child safety
- Develop effective response and care protocols
- Facilitate environments and forums for networking
CSPN is a collaborative network of organizations working towards common child safety policies and is not a legal or welfare service. If you have a child safety report or concern, you need to contact legal counsel, the appropriate government authorities, or those responsible for child safety in your organization.
August 1, 2023 - We are grieved by the reports about sexual abuse by Bradley Reger and grieve for any and all children harmed. We are monitoring the current judicial process taking place in the State of California. Click here for a more complete statement regarding this situation.