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Global Engagement

According to the The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 66 percent of all Christians are from the Global South as of 2020, up from 43 percent in 1970. The demographic center of the global church is shifting to the Global South. Christians from the Global South are invigorating international missions.1

Building on the legacy of more than a century of church planting and disciple-making, especially in Latin America, Avant journeys with churches in the Global South to develop their capacity to impact the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Ministry innovation, strategic resourcing and global partnerships all come into play as we connect, facilitate and mobilize the church in the Global South toward missional health and proactive engagement in reaching the unreached globally.

1Christianity Today, August 2019

3 ways we help churches participate in God’s mission… 

1. Connect
Intentionally challenge local churches to enter into a missional development process.

  • Clarify: Explain the biblical characteristics of a missional church.
  • Assess: Guide local church leaders in a “missional assessment” of their church.
  • Challenge: Encourage local church leaders to participate actively in our network of missionally developing churches.
2. Facilitate
Engage local churches in a one to two year development process to become more missional.

  • Plan: Help leaders develop strategic plans to ensure that the church makes the desired change(s).
  • Evaluate: provide accountability and metrics to assure that the desired changes are taking place.
  • Equip: Provide leaders with tools and ministry materials to accomplish the development plan they create for their church.
3. Mobilize
Collaborate with local churches in their ministry to the unreached around the world.

  • Explore: Provide information and opportunities to introduce local churches to participation in God's mission.
  • Train: Equip churches and their missionaries for successful cross-cultural ministry among the least reached.
  • Partner: Define roles and timeline for partnership between Avant, the local church, and their individual missionary.

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